Dazzling Treasures becomes Dazzling Jasmin; With Her, Old Becomes New

Jasmin Rosario’s hands move deftly as she crafts her handmade jewelry. She is currently using sterling silver and brass, as she becomes an expert as a metal-smith. While over the last few years her online shop listed fashion forward custom-made earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. Her signature pieces were intricate thongs emblazoned with words of endearment and italicized personalized names in bold lettering. She also enjoyed creating full body jewelry, beaded bras and wire tops paired with tasseled skirts and thongs.

At the beginning of 2018, Jasmin launched her online store called Dazzling Treasures. The business took off and she found herself having to mass produce her creations which drained her creativity, although grateful for others eagerness for her work. But it didn’t diminish her enthusiasm for expressing herself through jewelry. “My body is my canvas,” she said. “Even with tattoos, hair, makeup and clothes, jewelry is another expression. I am native, indigenous, Mexican, Puerto Rican – it is a part of my culture and me.” To that end she continued to make unique one-of-a-kind pieces that reflected her own personal style.

More recently in 2023, Jasmin is seeking to focus more on selling her individual creations as art pieces to decorate and enhance the people who are lucky enough to wear them, minimizing mass production for all but her most popular ideas. Jewelry is not the only way she uses her mediums of beads, thread, brass, wire, clothing, and so much more. Dazzling Treasures also offers unique beaded, entryway curtains, lamp shades, and other décor. Beauty is the goal and art is the method Jasmin allows to speak through her.

Jasmin took a class in Morean Arts Center in downtown St. Petersburg, was the youngest in the class, and surrounded by wise women of all ages and cultures; Jasmin’s creative inspiration soared and was reinvigorated with metalsmithing. Creating from one of most the natural elements, from nothing into artistic expression, beautifying everything she touches.

Jasmin no longer likes creating custom designs as this limits her creative ability, “it limits my creation, the art I feel budding within myself as I work, because I never know how far I will go, I work until the artwork feels complete.”

In recent years, Jasmin had a disturbance in her creative process due to hardships piled on top of hardships which caused her to pause and re-shift her reality as she soon found sadness drowning her soul which froze her ability to inspire herself, or others. But art eventually overcomes pain, but as someone overcomes it, they often grow, and change is born. Jasmin’s fascination with metal working reflects the adaptation of how to be strong and become something greater than before, and then to display it to the world. As beauty.

To overcome creative roadblocks, Jasmin often turns to Pinterest boards for inspiration. She looks at photographs and jewelry of different cultures, paying attention to the ways that they both express individualism and reflect a collective society. With these ideas in mind, she started to redesign her bedroom—her safe space—into something entirely new. To bring her creations to life, she visits flea markets and thrift stores to collect materials with unique “vibes”, allowing her space to transform alongside her. Dazzling Treasures is more a platform to purchase art than a business, “I decided that I was not going to box myself or Dazzling Treasures into just jewelry. I realized I was an artist and I create ART. My creations can be anything I want them to be, anything beautiful, anything feminine, and even if they aren’t feminine, they were my art, this was the real me. Someone called me an artisan, and I realized that was who I was becoming and wanted to be. I am an artisan”.

Written By: Writerreyes

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